Forums - i finally got blackhearts cancelling! Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- i finally got blackhearts cancelling! ( Posted by Morphx22 on 07:26:2001 03:39 PM: i finally got blackhearts cancelling! I can finally cancel his infero to his heart of darkness thing where the demons come from underneath. It boosted my blackheart playing capabilities a ton. Im happy happy joy joy. Now to only get Cammy's launch + superjump. I think its because i usually do 2 low kicks then an uppercut, and by that time the opponent is too far away, should i do low kick, low punch, then uppercut? Thanks! Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 03:50 PM: Basically stick with this: D+Sk,D+Fp, Jump up!!! Best combo there is. Don't worry about the extra hits, they scale the damage, meaning that the more hits you do, the less damage the extra hits do. Posted by AshramTI on 07:26:2001 03:52 PM: is her fp launcher better than her rh? Posted by TimeFlip on 07:26:2001 04:20 PM: I believe the Fp launcher has slightly better horizontal range, whereas the Rk launcher has better vertical range. However, the Fp launcher is better seeing as the Rk soemtimes comes out as this long range kick. Posted by Morphx22 on 07:26:2001 09:21 PM: Yup, the punch has a way longer reach. I shall try these new tactics tomorrow after work at the movies! Gonna see planet of the apes too! Do you cancel the spinning kick thing in the air with cammy to the KBA as fast as the blackheart one? Posted by neroiscariot on 07:26:2001 10:17 PM: i like blackhearts inferno XX HOD but there is nothing i hate more than a blackheart player that stays in the air and fires demons down, thats no fun to play against...thats when i bust out with spiral and sentinel Posted by Voodoo on 07:26:2001 10:28 PM: After a c.fierce you might have to jump up-towards instead of just going straight up. Posted by cougar351 on 07:26:2001 10:53 PM: yeah id have to go with the fp All times are GMT. The time now is 09:36 PM. Show all 8 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.